1. My favorite product is Readwise.

    It's better to choose a unique product — it will make your response more memorable.

    If your product is not a household name, make sure to wireframe the app or explain it in a few sentences.

    <aside> 🌳 Choose one from you product journal (see:‣)


  2. When I think about why I like it, it comes down to three key principles

    1. How useful it is?
    2. How innovative it is?
    3. Is it easy to use and understand?
  3. Explain how this product meet each of your principles.

    <aside> 🌳 In terms of utility, Readwise is the first app I use every morning. frequency

    The daily knowledge snippet gives me the highest quality of information saved over time and inspires me to take actions each day. key benefit


  4. Recap your response in one sentence.